Here are some pics Matt took at Wye Mountain last weekend. Allison was not her usual smiley self but he still managed to get some good pics. I really like the first one - it reminds me of Little House on the Prarie - the way her dress looks like it's blowing in the wind. The Clevelands are very excited about the arrival of spring and we look forward to playing outside with Allison!
So once again, I have let everyone down by not posting in quite some time. Will you find it in your heart to forgive me? I (being Kim, the one who has been left to update this blog that was started by someone else.....ahmmm) have started a xanga page for myself - if you are at all interested, here's the link - I will still be updating this page with events and milestones of Allison's life but if you are interested in more frequent posts about random things, you might should check that page out. So on to Allison. It's sad to say but she is no longer a baby, but is now a toddler. Hard to believe, but true. She is using her two little legs as her main mode of transportation these days - walking. She took her first steps at the Lumpkins house about a month ago and then Thursday when we were at the hospital waiting for Miles (Allison's cousin) to be born, she just took off and hasn't stopped yet. I feel like it was the moment that I was most looking forward to for some reason. Everyone has told me that my life would change with this milestone but it hasn't yet (and it's okay with me if it doesn't). She walks everywhere she crawled. And it has actually been a little easier because she hasn't been so frustrated with herself because now she can get where she wants to go.
I don't have a recent video of Allison to post of her walking but this is one from the beginning of February when she first starting walking:
And for another important milestone...discovering toilet paper!
This is Allison's reading nook:
And this is Allison playing in the tupperware drawer:
I will try, try, try (really hard) to keep this updated more often. Please don't lose hope in me.
We're a happy little family from Little Rock (originally from Searcy). We started this blog to share what's going on in our lives - mainly our kids, Allison who is 3 years old and our newest addition, Dylan, who was born on November 10, 2008.