Tuesday, April 18, 2006

happy 1/4 birthday!

Allison is already three months old! Okay- so we are a week late in posting the blog about it, but give us a break - we are new parents you know. But she is getting so big. Here are her new "stats" that we received when we went for her 3 month visit to Arkansas Children's for the nutrition study (which I will try to blog about later):

Weight - 12lb 11oz (50-75 percentile)
Length - 22-1/2 in (25-50 percentile)

She is getting bigger everyday and discovering new things. She has become very vocal, making all kinds of shrills and coos. She is also making this gasping noise. We both thought that their was something wrong with her, but we decided that she was only experimenting with her voice. She has learned to swat at objects that are dangled in front of her and sometimes she will grab a hold of them. She hasn't quite mastered the skill of rolling over but she is well on her way. She can roll to both sides but she never turns over (see picture below). She doesn't like it too much on her stomach so we are thinking that it may be awhile before she rolls all the way over. Her head control is very good - she can sit up with support. She can bring her hands together and will play with her hands. She has even started to suck her thumb (see picture above).

The last 3 months have in some ways seemed like the longest 3 months of our lives (which they probably have been since we have had the least amount of sleep in the last 3 months than we ever have), but in other ways it seems like the last 3 months have flown by. We feel like we can breathe a sigh of relief now since she isn't a newborn anymore and is out of that "critical" stage. We can somewhat relax and enjoy having a beautiful, healthy baby. It is so much fun to watch all of her "tricks" and watch her discover the little things in life (like bringing your hands together) - things that we never knew we had to learn.

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