Wednesday, March 15, 2006

look how big i am!

Allison had her 2 month check up on Monday. This included her immunizations. She did very well considering she was receiving 3 shots. She only cried while they were giving her the shot and stopped as soon as she was picked up. But she has definitely grown over the past month:

Weight - 11 lb. 4oz. (50-75%)
Length - 21 3/4 in. (25-50%)
Head - 15 in. (25-50%)

We are also participating in a research study with Arkansas Children's Hospital. It is comparing breastfed versus formula fed versus soy formula fed babies. They track the babies growth and development as well as their nutrition until they are six years old. We had our first visit on Monday. We have to go once a month until she is a year old and then, once a year until she is six.

The first visit went pretty well. First, we had a consultation to make sure that we understood everything that we were getting ourselves into, and after that, they asked me a lot of questions about what I eat, and I had to give a detailed description about what I had eaten for the last 24 hours. Then they took all of Allison's measurements.

Next, they have a machine that measures her body composition (it's very high tech) - they call it the "pea pod" (see photo above). She went into this little clear tube that has warm air blowing through it for 2 minutes. She seemed to enjoy the warm air and was calm the whole time.

The last thing that she had to do was the brain lab. In the brain lab, she wore a cap that had lots of sensors on it that measures her brain waves, and then they introduce different stimuli to her to see if she is understanding them. I knew about this going into the study but never thought that the cap would be so scary looking (see artistic rendering below). Allison did not like it at all, and the hardest thing was that she has to be quiet and somewhat still (but not asleep) for each test.

It's kind of a lot to go through every month, but the greatest part of the study is that we get free diapers for a year, so we are happy to help out with the study.


M. Lumpkin said...

Wow. You really do have a space age baby.


wiebke said...

When is launch time?!
Wow. I cannot believe she was okay with the "pod"!

Crystal said...

That's a scary hat...that poor baby...but now I am laughing so I don't know.....And can I ask a silly question? Okay thanks. Where are her hands during this whole process? And why isn't she using them to pull those senors off?
A friend of Wendy's and Jennie's.

Becca said...

That is so cool (especially the free diapers)! We need to see you guys sometime. . . it's been too long!